
Offer discount coupons valid only on your ads to gain visibility and increase the average basket value of your buyers

Rakuten Coupons benefits

Increase your visibility

Offers with Rakuten Coupons are relayed and visible on our "Rakuten Deals" page, one of the most visited pages on our site.

Boost your sales

Our customers love our special deals. Offer Rakuten Coupons only on your ads and increase your conversion rate.

Increase your average basket

Offer a discount coupon from a minimum purchase amount to increase your average basket value.

Increase your sales thanks toRakuten Coupons

Create a campaign

A competitive advantage

The offers eligible to Rakuten Coupons are displayed by our marketing teams on the “Rakuten Deals” pages, in the newsletters and through our many acquisition levers. We are investing heavily every week in adverts that offer special benefits to our customers, and Rakuten Coupons ads are highly visible.

They are also highlighted in the product page and allow you to stand out from the competition.

Control your budget

This service works on a performance basis: the amount you are billed for corresponds to the coupons spent by your clients.

You set a maximum budget that will not be exceeded and the campaign will stop as soon as the amount is reached.

You can also set yourself the minimum purchase amount required for using your Rakuten Coupons in order to increase your average basket value.

For example, if the average basket is 60€ and you want to optimize it, offer a discount coupon worth 70€ to spend on your adverts, this will encourage your buyers to select additional products.

Associated to your Rakuten E-Shop

The Rakuten Coupon you have defined before will apply to all the ads in your Rakuten E-Shop. At any time, highlight the adverts which are benefiting from your promotional offers in your E-Shop.

Do you want to be guided in the creation ofRakuten Coupons ?

Our E-Commerce Consultants are here to help you in the development of your online activity.

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