Importing stock using an XML file
Scroll down the page to block “8. Test Webservice” block
Fill in the fields and upload your file. Your token is available in your account in the “Token” tab.
After uploading your XML file, wait about 5 minutes, then refresh the “History” page. You can see your success rate in the “Success” column. So, if any errors appear, retrieve your error report, correct your file and upload it again within 5 days. If this period is exceeded after the 1st download of your file, repeat the download.
To download your error report, please use the Generic Import File webservice. To do so, go to the dedicated page on the webservices blog.
Generic integration is by XML file.
On the webservices blog, go to the “Stock management” page in the Documentation section. Click on “Import stock using XML feeds”.
You will arrive on this page. Click on “Import your XML feed”.
An XML file must be structured according to precise standards if you want it to integrate correctly on Rakuten France.
Find out more here.
Go to Site Developer, then click on Inventory Management and go to the Import stock using XML feeds section. You can also click here directly.
Click on Producttypes, then enter your nickname and token, and click OK.
You can then select the relevant alias.
For example, if you want to create a circular saw template, you’ll need to choose the right alias:
i.e. outillage_jardin_produit :
Once you’ve selected the alias, go to the Product Templates section, in the Import stock using XML feeds section, or click here :
Enter your login, token and the corresponding product type alias (in our example, “outillage_jardin_produit”).
For Scope, select VALUES, and click OK.
You’ll then access the right model and find the type of product you’re looking for in the <key>typedeproduct</key> section.
Here we find the circular saw:
You’ll need to do the same with the brand: <key>manufacturer</key>, replacing “manufacturer” with the correct value (in our example, it’s a Bosch):
And so on for all mandatory attributes: <mandatory>1</mandatory>.
You’re also free to fill in fields that are <mandatory>0</mandatory>, because the more information a file has, the better it will be classified and therefore better referenced.
A Webservice is available for you to import your import file to Rakuten France. To access it, click here.
A webservice is available to view any errors in your file integration. To access it, click here.
Some errors may be difficult to understand at first glance.